Critical Thinking 101: It’s common sense but it takes practice!!!
An important next step for everyone.
Sound practical judgement is usually developed through life experiences. Common sense is a form of decision making and the ability to imagine the consequences. It stops us from making irrational mistakes and makes it easier to make choices on what we do. We are not born with it; we develop it over time. Of course, there are many causes in life that deter us from using common sense – emotions, mental affliction, peer and social pressure, etc.
Common sense allows the individual to develop the skills necessary for enhancing critical thinking. Thinking critically is more than just thinking clearly; it’s about thinking independently. It means formulating your own opinions and drawing your own conclusions, based on evidence and research, regardless of outside influence. It’s about the discipline of analysis and seeing the connection between ideas and being open minded to listen to and analyze other viewpoints and opinions.
“No matter the situation, never let your emotions overpower your intelligence”
“Responsibility to yourself means refusing to let others do your thinking”
“Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts”
“The authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual”
“Being your true self can only come from separating your thinking from crowd mentality”
“Think for yourself or others will think for you without thinking of you”
“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the crowd”
“To find yourself is to think for yourself”
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Roger Petersen